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    Institutions that Collaborate — Major research universities, community colleges, major facilities of the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, NASA and TVA.

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    Brainpower at Work — The South’s highest concentrations of scientists, engineers and PhDs — ready to turn scientific knowledge into technological solutions including the Manhattan Project and the Apollo Project.

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    World-Class Innovation — An international leader in research, innovation and scientific application — in advanced manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, environment, and homeland security.

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    High-Tech Work Force — An educated and available work force with a strong work ethic, educated through public and private universities, community colleges and a variety of state-supported work force development programs.

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    National Leadership Through Regional Cooperation — Federal leaders, state and local governments working together to attract and deploy billions of dollars in research funding to meet national challenges and to advance regional success.

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    Lower Business Costs — A right-to-work region with one of the lowest-tax burdens in the nation and affordable utilities to help businesses succeed.

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    Putting Ideas to Work — Tech transfer, business incubation and venture capital support allowing entrepreneurs to turn ideas into products.

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    Affordable Family Living — Lower housing costs, lower personal tax burdens, easier commutes and competitive schools.

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    Work and Play — Attract the talent of tomorrow in a region with four distinct seasons — the nation’s most visited national park — and enough music, lakes, mountains, museums, whitewater, food and hospitality to stay energized and entertained.

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    Location. Location. Location. — The technology-rich TVC is in the heart of the nation’s fastest-growing business region — close to all of the materials, markets and brainpower needed for tomorrow’s business success.
