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Vanderbilt University
310 25th Ave S. Nashville, TN 37212
Vanderbilt Student Life Center Ballroom
Vanderbilt Student Life Center Foyer
Vanderbilt Student Life Center Ballroom
Vanderbilt Student Life Center Ballroom
U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty
Host: Nathan Green, Vanderbilt University
Presentations By:
Corey Hinderstein, National Nuclear Security Administration
Maj Gen Brett Sylvia, 101st Airborne, Fort Campbell
Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Sean Williams, Protection Strategies, Inc.
Vanderbilt Student Life Center
Host: Jeff Cornett, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Presentations By:
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn
Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (TN-3)
Don Moul, Tennessee Valley Authority
Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Tracy Boatner, East Tennessee Economic Council
Vanderbilt Student Life Center
Host: Adam DeMella, AMM Strategies
Brief Remarks By:
Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (TN-3)
Dr. Moe Khaleel, Oak Ridge National Lab
Dr. Ryan Luley, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Dr. Padma Raghavan, Vanderbilt University
Foyer and Exhibit Area - Vanderbilt Student Life Center
Dinner on Own in Downtown Nashville
Foyer and Exhibit Area - Vanderbilt Student Life Center
Vanderbilt Student Life Center Ballroom
Presentations By:
Dr. Stephen Streiffer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Joseph Pelfrey, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Kevin Muckerheide, Arnold Engineering Development Complex
Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Dr. Terry Saltsman, Tennessee Tech University
Vanderbilt Student Life Center Ballroom
Host: John Morris, Carson Newman University
Presentation By:
Commissioner Stuart McWhorter, Tennessee Dept. of Economic & Community Development
Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Betsey Kirk McCall, Seven States Power Corporation
Vanderbilt Student Life Center Ballroom
Tennessee's 7th District
Vice President for Research & Economic Development
University of Alabama Huntsville
Deputy Administrator
National Nuclear Security Administration
Tennessee's 3rd District
CEO & President
Seven States Power Corporation
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The University of Tennessee
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Vanderbilt University
Executive VP & Chief Operating Officer
Tennessee Valley Authority
Commanding General
101st Airborne Division & Fort Campbell
Senior Vice President for Research & Economic Development
Auburn University
President & CEO
Oak Ridge Associated Universities