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2021 National Summit Session Sponsor


Formed in 2011, UCOR specializes in the safe deactivation and demolition of former nuclear facilities. Our workforce of more than 1,900 has earned a reputation of safe performance, innovative problem solving, and an unwavering focus on excellence. UCOR takes its mission seriously to protect the people, the community, and the environment while eliminating hazards and reducing risks.

In October of last year, UCOR celebrated Vision 2020, which marked the completion of major cleanup activities at the East Tennessee Technology Park, formerly the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant – codenamed K-25. K-25 was built in unprecedented secrecy in the 1940s as part of the Manhattan Project to provide enriched uranium for the world’s first atomic bomb.

UCOR Annual Report 2020

Connect with UCOR

Sonya Johnson
Manager of Communications, Community, Diversity and Workforce Development Programs

Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Phone: (865) 574-4349

Connect With UCOR

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